Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Cute Wittle Spiders.

Here's what my kid wanted for Easter, so we went to the petstore and picked one out.

The spider itself was only $17, it was all of the ancillary stuff; cage, special soil, log spider house, fake plant, humidity gauge, spidey water bowl, heat lamp, and live crickets for spider chow that made it cost around $110.

Well, he gets a kick out of feeding the crickets to the thing and he's named her "Medussa". It's neat to watch her feed and make her webs;

much better than some smelly poo-making rabbit or duckie.


Anonymous said...


AS I was TRYING to say... what kind of spider is that?

And your kid is very creative to name it Medussa rather than something like Spiderman or Fluffy.


Let's see if it posts this time.. Grrr

Anonymous said...

It's a Chilean Rosehair Tarantula.
I suggested the names Lucretia or Lilith, but the boy liked Medussa.
He told me all about Perseus killing the Medussa and using her head as a weapon.


Anonymous said...

I thought it looked like a tarantula, but I didn't think they spun webs. So I learned something.

In AZ we were surrounded by them and I never once saw a web. I thought they lived in holes in the ground. I'll have to read up.


badVlad said...

Yes, they actually spin webs. I didn't know that, either. This one made a big circular web in the soil between its log house and the side of the cage. She then sits in the middle of it and waits for anything to step in it. This one hasn't dug a burrow, yet. Tarantulas do that.


Anonymous said...

I found a really good site about your tarantula.


Vewwy Interesting...
