Tres Chic!
Here we see the latest in protestor couture from the Abby Hoffman collection. This striking ensemble is topped-off with a tan straw coolie hat and non-matching Kaffeyieh scarf, worn around the ample waistline. Note the skinny arms, bulbous waistline, and sickly pale complexion which could only be obtained by staying indoors playing video games on Mom's sofa 18 hours per day and avoiding any sort of manual labor all of his life.
Of course what protest would be complete without at least one nod to Godwin's law...gotta have a swastika displayed to demonstrate dissaproval with...uh, whatever. You see? In the protestors' little world, just comparing someone to "Hitler" is seen as insightful political rhetoric, even if it doesn't make any sense at all.
For instance; "Bush is Hitler", "Blair is Hitler", "Cheney is Hitler"...Get the idea?
However, Saddam Hussein wasn't Hitler...even though he invaded neighboring countries, gassed his own people, wore a military uniform, had a silly-looking moustache, and wore funny hats. Oh, but he's NOT Hitler.
Look, I'm not exactly a Bush fan, but I just can't get past the logical fact that if Bush was anything at all like Hitler, this dumbassed protestor would have already been herded onto a boxcar and sent away to a camp. Hey, there's an idea...no, WAIT!...Oh, nevermind.
Don't these nuts realize that they only make whoever they are protesting look good? lol
He reminds me of w00t! man and the 'we're sorry' crowd..
You forgot to mention the E-vil Karl Rove... How could you be so remiss?
I think I am going to protest for forced birth control
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