Sunday, June 8, 2008

More Stoopid Human Tricks: Islamic Rage-Boy.

This fine clean-cut young man is Shakeel Ahmad Bhat. He lives in Srinagar Kashmir region of India. Shakeel is 29 years old, unemployed, illiterate, and lives with his mother. Oh, and he's very religious. (You've got three guesses which religion he practices. Safe to say, he's probably not Lutheran. ) Hey girls, he's very available...not only is he a bachelor, but he's never gotten laid (I'm sure THAT's a surprise, sort of explains his perpetual anger at everything.) If you can make it past the bits of dried couscous and critters growing in that simian-looking beard, then you've got yourself a 29 year old virgin (at least in regards to being untouched by female members of the human species.) He's got plenty of free time to go to protests. Five times a day he stops and chants loud praises to his imaginary friend, Big Al. Even though Big Al is supposed to be very powerful and even has a best-selling book, he must be very insecure because anytime anyone says or does anything that is the least bit insulting towards him, then Rage Boy and his fellow adherents of the religion-of-peeece take to the streets shouting and shaking their fists while threatening to kill people. Oddly, they never seem to wonder why Big Al can't take care of himself and requires a bunch of impoverished, backwards, unemployable losers to fight his battles for him.


Anonymous said...

Maybe I could get a date... I like filthy disgusting men who don't bathe and yell a lot...

Hay buddy, whatcha doin after the beheading?


Kat said...

I just want to braid his beard, feed him a few grapes and rub sensual oils all over his hairy body, man I am so arroused right now

badVlad said...

That visual image just caused me to throw-up a little.

In his case, "safe sex" would involve getting him a flea collar. They still have bubonic plague where he lives.