Every once in a while, the animal rights nut-tards come up with a good one.
My evil nemesis, Poultricide, posted this link in a comment on this blog:
Check it out! You can make your own KFC sign, like I just did. So, have at it. You've all got plenty of time to waste.
The creators of the site are obviously attempting to make some kind of political statement about animal cruelty, but the features of the site can be coopted to make sick sophomoric observations.
Some people become uncomfortable when they are reminded that what they are having for dinner was once running around squeaking, oinking, or mooing. It's those types and the animal-lover nuts who need to be reminded that no matter how advanced and civilized we become, we are still basically predatory hunter-gatherers. We still consume the mangled remains of deceased creatures just like our primitive ancestors did. The only real difference is that we pay other people to grab the animal, kill it, dismember the corpse, then wrap-up the mutilated pieces in nice clean cellpohane and styrofoam packaging. Often, we even pay a lot more to have someone else cook it. Another disturbing thought for you vegans; when you eat fruits and vegetables, you are actually consuming some plant's sex organs. We really don't know, but plants might even scream in pain when they are being sexually mutilated by fruitpickers, they just scream at a frequency that we can't hear. Think about it.
I don't have anything against KFC. They are one of the few fast-food joints that I even like. (besides Subway, or Popeye's). I can remember the first time that I ate there as a little kid and I really liked it. The guy that came up with the original recipe was a damned genius, even though chickens probably view him as their Adolf Eichman. Can you blame them? What would you think if you accidently wandered into a strange building and saw some manner of advanced beings feasting on disembodied charred human limbs coated in a crispy crust and served with two delicious side dishes? That's a rather Dahmer-esque image.
Anyway, I'll probably go to KFC this afternoon.
Poultricide hates Popeye's. He claims that it is all part of a secret Vatican plot, just because if you slightly alter their sign it says; "Pope Yes". I don't have anything against the Pope. As long as he makes really good spicy cajun chicken his religious practices don't concern me. Popeye's also has the best selection of side orders to choose from. You can actually have something besides french fries (which were ruined when the federal health Nazis made them change the type of oil that they cook them in). They're so bad, France should demand that the name be changed to something else.
You really have to change the color! The next couple sites I visit after yours look really weird!!
I even skipped the sign generator because of this!
What? You don't like the crisp minty green?
Most PEOPLE find it refreshing.
I only like it in my ice cream!
The green...well, it certainly is green, I'll give it that!
As for KFC & Popeye's, I'm not particularly bothered that what I eat at one point lived and breathed. I would, however, prefer they not fry everything! Alas, I have given up fast food.
Well, to be perfectly honest, I've almost given up eating out in general...but that's just paranoia, not because of animal cruelty concerns.
At least that damn Burger King creep is gone for now...
You shouldn't eat fried stuff that often. They do have dishes that are grilled.
Hey, the burger-creep is still down lower on the blog webpage, just scroll down...If you dare.
Clown Algore and Islamic Rage-boy are down there, too.
One of my first posts back in March was a tribute to a really cute blonde B-movie actress that I've had a thing for. SURPRISE...she actually found my blog on google and posted a comment.
If only Islamic Rage-Boy would find my blog. Problem is, he doesn't have the necessary intellect to resist picking his nose and eating it, much less work a computer.
Hey I enjoy raising my own cage free chickens, chasing them down in the yard, cutting their little Heads off, dipping em in a pot of boiling water, defeathering them and then frying their asses up in the deep fryer....look animals are for EATING PEOPLE, Eating! they don't have feelings! they don't cry, they are for EATTTTTTTTTTTTING
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