A prominent Saudi Islamic cleric has issued a fatwa, or religious edict, against Mickey Mouse, whom he characterized as an agent of Satan sent to corrupt young minds.
Sheikh Mohammed Al-Munajid told Saudi Arabia's Al-Majd Television that his beef with Mickey is that he is a mouse, a creature that Islam sees as "repulsive and corrupting."
Al-Munajid explained that Islamic law refers to the mouse as "little corrupter" and a creature that is "steered by Satan," and grants permission to all Muslims to "kill [mice] in all cases."
Therefore, according to Islamic law, insisted the sheikh, "Mickey Mouse should be killed."
Someone forgot to inform this guy; "Pssst...Hey...Mickey Mouse is not real."
One wonders how he intends to carry out the execution of this death sentence.
Is he going to hire Wile E. Coyote as a hitman?
The Muslims should really be more concerned with Pluto, since he is the actual god of underworld. Next, they can go after the stuttering pig and that pantless duck or what about Moose and Squirrel?
Hey, at least this guy isn't pulling a Falwell and claiming that Mickey Mouse is gay or anything.
So it isn't just American religious leaders who have a problem differentiating between real life and fiction, but Falwell wasn't wanting to have Tinky Winky or SpongeBob wacked. Anyone who declares a fatwah against a cartoon character is really in bad need of a hobby, and when I say "hobby" I really mean a JDAM dropped from an FA-18.
This is serious..... we need to call Elmer Fudd, oooops wait he is a pig and they hate pig too.
You're thinking of Porky Pig. Elmer Fudd isn't a pig. He shares the same disability as Porky though as he is a speech challenged cartoon character.
But I've always thought the best way to win a war against them would be to carpet bomb them with pig carcasses.
The war against Islamofacists that is... not speech challenged cartoon characters...
You'd think with as many wives as they have, they could find something else to do than wage wars and issue fatwas against innocent cartoon mice.
I still contend that it is Ronald McDonald who is doing Beelzebub's bidding on this planet, but nobody will listen.
I think they want Mickey Mouse dead because Americans keep trying to vote him into office.
Good thing those elections are rigged, or else he just might win.
See you at the next Bilderberg conference.
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