Monday, September 8, 2008

Sarah Palin...All-American MILF

McPain certainly knew what he was doing when he picked her. Now even I am interested in politics. Let's see...who was it that Baraky Ali Baba picked for his VP? I don't quite remember? I think it was some guy with hairplugs and old man smell. Oh well, who cares?

I can't really explain it, but there's just something cool and sexy about a absolutely hot woman brandishing a firearm.


Anonymous said...

I can't imagine why anyone with even a single brain cell would have chosen Biden, a two-times TOTAL loser running for POTUS... What makes b. Hussein think that if people so seriously don't want him for POTUS, they would want him for VP?

If that's yet another example of his flawed judgement, I don't know what will help us if he wins.


Kat said...

ok I like her in that blue and black outfit, lol, that's how I dress for work daily

badVlad said...

Well, that must make after-school detention much more fun.