Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Campaign 2008

It's getting real close to the election and we have to make up our minds who to vote for. Either the old guy and the Alaskan snow bunny or the Obama Joe Biden dudes. I like McCain because he actually flew bombers in the war, then he got shot down and captured. After they tortured him and shit, they offered to let him go if he'd read a propaganda statement on film. The guy told them to go fuck themselves, then he spit in their bastard commie faces. That probably really pissed them off. So, we know he won't put up with any shit from the Iranians or Russians. He sounds like he's still a badass.


Anonymous said...

What a sweet photo! That young girl looks like she is really in love... I think I'll vote for them for that reason alone...


Anonymous said...

Billy-Bob Clinton ticked off he didn't get her as his VP!

bcs said...

actually, he did read the propaganda statement on film.