Thursday, May 1, 2008

I Hate Those Vytorin Ads!!!

We've all seen them. They are those irritating ads which show some kind of food and standing next to it is a creepy-weird old person who is dressed in a manner which subliminally makes them look like the particular food product. The jist of it is that you get cholesterol from your diet, but how your body processes it is effected by heredity.

OK! We get it, but something about those ads is just wrong.

Imagine Jeffery Dahmer eating his relatives and then having a high HDL cholesterol level at his next physical. That would illustrate the effects of both heredity and diet at the same time.
The only way they could make these ads any more disturbing would be to feature Rosie O'Donnell standing next to a steaming plate of pickled hog intestines.

In fact, I don't even like this post being on my blog, because of the hideous shade of crimson which comprises most of it. I am truly vexed by it. My lame attempt at rectifying it by changing the background to mint green only made it worse.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, this background color is almost as bad as Blogger itself.


"Type the characters you see in the picture above." BAH!

Try number two didn't work either, I got an error page... let's see if try THREE will work... GRRR

badVlad said...

Do try to be pleasant and polite.

Kat said...

I have the uncontrollable urge to brush my teeth now...."minty" fresh

Kat said...

well anonymous I "never" have a problem with leaving comments but be operator error lol

badVlad said...

You don't have a problem because you are registered with google/blogger. If you aren't regisered, you've got to do this stupid security thing, that doesn't work all of the time. I've had it do that, before.

Anonymous said...

Blogger is like the Borg! I will not be assimilated!

So for a punishment they make me enter 8 character bizzaro letters that are barely legible to submit my post. And even though I triple check it, it often rejects it and I have to do it again! Sometimes then I lose my whole post. Commies they are!

Sometimes it rejects my openID when I try to post that way too.

FINE I still will NOT be assimilated! That's only for weeenies like Jean Luc Picard. Capt Kirk would never have been assimilated.

So I will now enter the characters I see in the STUPID picture... tdndmgit

Happy happy joy joy

SEEEE, I chose anonymous and it rejected me and told me I have to enter a Google/Blogger... I will not be assimilated!!!!

badVlad said...

Assimilate, now...or be banished to the cornfield.

Anonymous said...

The Cornfield! OH NOOOoooooo... not the cornfield!!

I can't remember where that came from. That's from Carolyn's wasn't it?
