Saturday, January 10, 2009

BLOOD ORGY! (Another Disturbing Ad from Yesteryear)

Ahh, the good old days, when animal cruelty was considered to be good clean family humour. For your consideration, just examine this nightmarish tidbit from the early years of the twentieth century. After disfiguring her doll, this twisted spawn of the underworld is amusing herself by torturing a helpless kitten in some ritualistic blood sacrifice to Ba'al. The bloodsoaked chiffon dress and her maniacal facial expression captures the marked contrast between childhood innocence and hellish brutality. This kid obviously has some loose wiring in her hideously misshapened skull. Whoever penned this ad centainly had some unresolved issues of their own. And how, pray tell, was this supposed to inspire potential customers to purchase their product? Very few people would enjoy having permanent red dye stains on their floors, carpet, walls, and the family pet. If anything, this ad makes a good case for completely avoiding their brand of bottled mayhem, and for retailers to remove it from their shelves.
This picture would have been better employed as the book cover for a Lizzy Borden biography.

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