Sunday, January 18, 2009

Does Your Brand of Gasoline Make the Entire Family This Happy?

In this 1954 ad for Ethyl gasoline we see a young Ernest Borgnine taking his family on holiday. Obviously this was back in the days before child carseats and mandatory seatbelt laws. Does anyone remember it really being like this? I seem to have vague semi-repressed memories of the man getting lost and refusing to stop and ask directions, so the woman is griping at him, and the kid is whining for a potty break along with the ubiquitous "are we there, yet?" To which, the parents reply in unison and increasing volume..."Not Yet!" At least this car isn't filled with noxious tobacco fumes from both parents chain-smoking Kents with all the windows up. There's just no better way to enjoy that smooth Carolina flavour than from the only premium brand that comes with the micronite filter...and the sponsor of "the Dick Van Dyke Show". Little do they know that the atmosperic lead poisoning from the TEL additive in the Ethyl gasoline is so bad that the soil beside major highways will actually become contaminated. Happy motoring!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its a wonder anyone suvived childhood back then