Thursday, April 10, 2008

More Midnight Exhumations From the Graveyard of Defunct Cereal Brands

You've got to wonder, did they really exhaust every possible idea for a cereal box mascot, so they had no other choice but to resort to using a wildebeest? Since Kellog's ad-men were so bereft of origional ideas that they were forced into using migratory land animals of the subsaharan African plains, one shudders to think what could have been next...a warthog...a hyena?

Then, there's further evidence that they were completely running out of ideas, when they decided to recycle the Brawny Paper Towel guy on a cereal box. Did they really think that nobody would notice? There's the anobolic steroid induced muscles, the lazy eye, and the clenched fist that's just as large as his pin head. They even blatantly used the word "BR-R-AWNY" on the box. Their lame attempt at disguising him as a scotsman only resulted in this disturbing Village People meets "Braveheart" image.

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