Tuesday, April 8, 2008

This Damn Thing is Freaky!

What is up with this advertising idea?

The thing is tall plastic and creepy. They have him looking in people's windows or just showing up out of nowhere. Then, when he is finally noticed he has this blank lifeless inanimate plastic stare while he holds out some food product. Besides the fact that it is being offered by some insane-looking weirdo...the person takes the sandwich and actually starts eating it! I mean, do normal people ever just start eating something that is handed to them by some stranger? Do they have any idea where it's been?

Despite the fact that he's obviously been carrying that thing around for hours until he could sneak up on someone stupid enough to accept it, that cresandwich (or whatever...) is STILL warm.

Don't they ever worry about "HOW" or "WHY" it's still warm?



badVlad said...

Sadly, it is apparent from this picture taken by a Paparazzi that the Burger Creep is actually seeing Valeri Bertinelli.
What the hell is she thinking?
If she wasn't washed-up before, she certainly is, now.
How sad.

Anonymous said...

The Burger thing is almost as creeepy as clowns... Poor Valerie.


(GAH! Enter the letters as they are shown! I DID... I CAN READ... But NOOOOoooooOOOOOOoooo... BLOGGER SUCKS!)

Anonymous said...

PS - Is there an option on Blogger to show the latest replies?

Wordpress has such a feature.. NEEE!